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  • Writer's pictureMakayla Mais

10+ Healthy Ways to Deal With Bad Days

Updated: Nov 17, 2019

Inevitably, you’re going to have bad days while away at school. I am one of those that constantly had to find different ways to deal with bad days. I haven’t always been the best about dealing with my emotions, but I’ve found some things that really help me when I’ve been put in a bad mood. Turning a bad day around is one of the most satisfying feelings for a lot of reasons. I don’t like to dwell and always feel a little more productive when I’ve made an effort to make myself feel better. Here’s some of my tips to turning your frown upside down!

Unwind with a book

This is personally one of my favorites. I don’t have too much time to read, but I’ll always try to take some time to read if I’m in a bad mood. I’ve always loved how reading takes you to an alternate universe. Soon you’ll forget why your day was bad to begin with! Another plus of using a book to get yourself out of a bad mood is that you’ll soon begin to find some books, authors, or genres that you like!

Watch your favorite YouTubers

Youtubers often have a great way of showing you that their day sucked even more than yours did. If there is a youtuber that I watch that I know has been dealing with their own battle, I’ll watch videos they’ve done on it. It starts to make me realize that what I’m experiencing isn’t all that bad. Even if I’m just feeling blah, youtubers have a great way of lifting my spirits. Check out my post on my favorite youtubers to see if any of them help lift your spirits too!

Color in a coloring book

This is one of the easiest things to do to get your mind off of something. Coloring books aren’t super expensive and are a great way to focus on anything else but your emotions! Sit down with a blanket and some colored pencils or crayons and go to town! Focusing on staying inside the lines will put your mind at rest and allow you to come out of it with a completely different mindset.

Have a movie night with friends

I was famous for my movie nights in high school. After we had all had a bad week, my friends and I would pick out a couple of movies and vote on which one we wanted to see. It was a great mood booster for everyone, and it was nice to make memories without worrying about what happened that day or week.

Go out for a ice cream

I’m a firm believer that food can fix anything. You might be thinking, “Does this really count as a healthy way to deal with my bad day?” My answer: everything is healthy in moderation. Ice cream always seems to cheer me up because I’m one of those people with a really bad sweet tooth. Going to your favorite ice cream place can remind you of happier times, especially if you go with a friend!

Visit animals at your local shelter

I didn’t even know you could do this until my sophomore year of college, but if you go to your local animal shelter, they’ll let you take one of the animals out for a little while. You can walk a dog around their grounds or spend some time in a room with any of their other animals! Animals are great at sensing your emotions and will quickly make you feel better. These animals will also appreciate you so much for taking the time to make their day better as well!

Make your favorite meal

Like I said, I think food can fix just about anything. When I’ve had a bad day, sometimes I’ll ask my mom how she makes a certain soup that I like. It gives me so much comfort right away! If you’re away from home and maybe won’t be able to go home for a while, ask your family for one of your favorite recipes. It can give you a little taste of home and can make you feel a little more at ease through your tough day.

Go to sleep early

I’m not going to lie, this is what I do most of the time. If you’ve had a rough day and maybe had a good cry, you might already be tired and just want to go to bed. Don’t let anything stop you! Chances are that if you’re tired from the long day you just experienced, you’re not going to sit and get a lot of things done that you need to get done anyway. Just go to bed, and if you have to, wake up a little earlier to get some stuff done! I do this a lot and it’s a great way to still stay motivated and on top of everything that college life throws at you.

Remind yourself that it’s only temporary

This might be easier said than done, but hear me out. Your bad day isn’t going to last forever. That’s why it’s a bad DAY. Going through the motions and sulking makes me feel so much worse than I did before. Sometimes I have to kick myself in the butt and tell myself that what I’m experiencing is only temporary. I also remind myself that there are many other people out there that have it so much worse than I do! It’s a great way to show some tough love to yourself, and for me, it works like a charm.

Treat yourself

While this is kind of materialistic, and potentially could be unhealthy for your bank account, treat yourself to something you’ve been wanting for a while. Whether that’s a new water bottle, a new sweatshirt, or something like AirPods, DO IT. You’ve waited a long time for something like that. I bought my AirPods after a long stressful period and as an early birthday gift to myself and I use them all the time. If it’s some you know you’re going to use constantly, you shouldn’t see the harm in getting it!

Do something outside

If the weather is nice enough, go to a park and chill with some of your friends. Laying on the grass or walking some trails I find so therapeutic. It’s a really easy way to calm me down and I don’t get to do it a lot. Listening to a creek or watching the clouds go by allows you to focus on something else and can put you in one of your most peaceful mindsets. Maybe even invite a friend to go with you and you can throw around a ball or just sit and enjoy each other’s company!


I don’t have a ton of time for this either, but sometimes taking your emotions out on a treadmill or walking trail can be good for you! I went walking with one of my roommates at the local nature center and it was a great way to let off some steam! The area you live in can be beautiful if you go out and explore. Exercising is really healthy for you in general, so this is definitely one of the best options for coping with your emotions!

Go on a mini adventure with friends

After my last little period full of mental breakdowns, I went on a little trip with a friend. One weekend we went to a sunflower field to take pictures. Another weekend we went to a local amusement park. It’s a great way to get your mind off of things and have some fun! Weekends out of anything should be a stress-free time where you can focus on anything but your responsibilities. Take advantage of it!

Talk to friends or loved ones

This is also one of those things that can be easier said than done. Opening up to someone can be complicated, but it’s extremely necessary that you do it. When you talk to someone about what you’ve been feeling or experiencing, you’ll feel so much better! Nothing is ever bad enough to take you off of this planet. If you have to call a hotline to get your voice heard–do it. There are many professionals that want you to see that your voice and story are important. There’s someone that will be there 24 hours to listen through the Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-8255. Your mental health will thank you!

Do you have any ways you deal with bad days that I didn’t mention? Leave a comment below!

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