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  • Writer's pictureMakayla Mais

10+ Ways to Stay Safe While Online

I personally feel like this is a topic no one really discusses. It’s almost as if they think if you don’t talk about it, it won’t be a thing. Online dating has been very popular at my university, and it seems to be picking up just about everywhere else too. I know people that have met their fiancé or husband/wife on dating apps. Although it can work for some, it can still be a dangerous situation. As bad as it sounds, you just can’t trust people anymore. That being said, here are my best tips on how to keep your safety as your number one priority!

Tell someone where you’re going

My biggest rule is telling someone where you’re going. It’s super important that you tell at least 1-2 people where you are going to avoid any major scary experiences. Someone will be able to be at your aid faster if they know where you are and how to get there! Plus, it helps your family know where they should start if something happens to you.

Tell someone who you’ll be meeting

This kind of goes along with the last one. It’s extremely important to be truthful about who you’re meeting and to give a few details about them. Little details like their hair and eye color, their height, and where they’re from can be valuable information later on. Finding out as much as possible about your date can help you so much in the long run!

Go to a public place

This is pretty straightforward. If you’re just meeting them, absolutely do not bring them somewhere that they will get to know more about you. Don’t ask them to pick you up from your apartment/house and don’t ask them to pick you up from work. Keep this information disclosed until you feel comfortable giving it out. Your private spaces are very personal and should not be exposed to someone you’ve just met.

Try to find their social media

If you can’t find their social media, there is a huge red flag. If they won’t give you a social media handle, there is a huge red flag. Always look for their social media in their profile. It shows they’re who they say they are, and it gives you a good chance to get an idea of how they are as a person. While social media is a highlight reel, you can still see how they react in certain situations, such as a death of a friend or relative. How they choose to represent themselves on social media can say so much about them!

Create a code word

This honestly sounds really strange, but hear me out. If a friend knows where you are or who you’re with, chances are they’ll be monitoring their phone to make sure you’re not trying to find yourself a way out of a situation. Create a code word so they know when they need to step in or send help! Even if you create a code phrase such as “Is it an emergency?” in which your friend or family member knows to call you, it’s going to help get you out of an uncomfortable or unsafe situation.

Have a friend (or friends) go with you

This can be kind of cringey, but honestly, it’s one of the best options. Your friend doesn’t have to sit with the two of you, but I would at least have someone go with you. They can prevent something from happening to you or could call for help if need be. They know you better than anyone and don’t want to see you hurt! It might be weird at first to go on a date with your friend in tow, but I promise that you’ll benefit from it majorly.

Don’t ignore red flags

If you feel uncomfortable in a situation, chances are that it’s not going to go away. Red flags are extremely important to pay attention to or look out for. These signs can really differentiate a situation from being safe or not! If they say or do something you aren’t comfortable with, ask one of your friends to come get you (or at the very least) call you to help you get out of the situation.

Share your location with family/friends

Sharing your location, at the very least, is extremely important. It allows family and friends to check in on you without it being super intrusive. It also allows you the freedom to put your big girl pants on while on this date! You may even be in a new area where you don’t know many people that would go with you, so this is definitely a great alternative. Use apps like Life360 and Find My Friends to be able to allow other’s access to your location!

Have ways to protect yourself

It’s bad that our society has ultimately come to this, but you never know what situation you might be getting into. Having something like an alarm or pepper spray on your keychain can seriously affect your safety. Even if you never use it, it’s better to have it than be wishing later that you did. For me personally, it puts my mind at ease knowing I can do something about my safety and allows my parents to relax a little as well!

Meet them somewhere so you’re able to leave

Every tip I’ve given you so far can help you with this! If you’re driving yourself, you’ll have the ultimate say on where you go, what you do, and when you can get away. Driving yourself can be the easiest way to maintain your safety. If you feel uncomfortable, have a friend call you to say you need to leave because of an “emergency,” then get in your car and leave. It can be really, really simple.

Don’t invite them into your home

This is pretty straightforward. If you’re meeting them for the very first time, do not invite them into your home. Plan to go somewhere that is public, not somewhere that you are most vulnerable. Even if it’s the first date and you’re wanting to leave to go somewhere else, do not take them back to your home. You might think you know them, but there is so much you don’t know about yet! Play it safe than sorry when it comes to your home.

Have any other tips on staying safe while online dating? Leave a comment below!

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