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  • Writer's pictureMakayla Mais

12+ Productive Activities to Do in Quarantine

It’s a weird time in the world with everything going on due to COVID-19. A lot of us are stuck in our homes and are perhaps living it up with family, friends, or even by yourself. No, you can’t go outside, but there is still plenty of productive things you can do at home. If you’re bored and looking to stay productive, here are some tasks you can do to keep busy in quarantine.

Do Your Taxes

If you haven’t already, do your taxes! You’re leaving money out on the table if you don’t file. I had never done my own taxes before but I did them for free at H&R Block online and it didn’t take more than thirty minutes. They just extended the deadline to do them as well so jump on it if you haven’t.

Buff Up Your Resume

I get it, the job market is looking pretty slim right now, which is the perfect time to build up your resume until things get back to normal. If you haven’t updated your resume in a while, now is the time. Add any relevant information you can, whether it be the most recent jobs you’ve had, any volunteer experience, classes and courses you’ve taken or work examples.

I always try to keep my LinkedIn profile as up-to-date as I can by adding new pieces I’ve worked on every few weeks. If you don’t like how your resume looks, change it up with a new layout or format. Anything you can add to show you’re doing everything you can to be the best you can be will make you look like the best candidate! Plus, it’s one of the best opportunities to show future employers your personality without them actually having a conversation with you.


Got some free time? Volunteer your extra hours by sewing some face masks or delivering food to the elderly or vulnerable shoppers. I’m sure a few animal shelters could need some extra help caring for animals still waiting for their forever homes.

Re-Organize Your Room

Many college students more than likely had to move back home due to COVID-19. Those boxes and that closet isn’t going to organize itself. Rather than procrastinating, you might as well unpack everything and reorganize so you can get ready for the new school year in the fall. This may even help you get to one of my later points.

Do Your Homework

It’s probably the last thing you want to be doing, but the quicker you get your homework done, the quicker you can enjoy the upcoming summer break. Set aside a few hours a day towards your assignments to knock them off the list. For someone like me who’s in their last semester before graduation, there’s plenty for me to do!

Journal About Everything That’s Happening

As crazy as it seems now, we’re living through a time that could be in textbooks fifty years from now. If you’ve got nothing else to do, writing down your thoughts and activities may not be a bad idea! Being able to go back years from now and being able to see what you were doing to pass the time will be really interesting. On top of that, years down the road when this is inevitably going to be in textbooks, it will be cool to show your kids that you had a personal experience during this pandemic!

Sell Items You Don’t Need

This is something that’s been extremely popular at my university right now! Everyone has been going through their apartments and has been selling things they don’t use or don’t need. It’s something I need to do as well! With how much moving you do during your college years, this can make it much easier on yourself and the people helping you move! With the less you have in your apartment, the less there is to move. I’ve also really been trying to practice minimalism. I don’t buy something unless it will serve a major purpose or it’s something that I’ve wanted for an extremely long time. Becoming Marie Kondo and getting rid of things that aren’t making you happy, aren’t helping you out, or that you don’t want anymore can be a great way to spend your free time!

Schedule Your Classes For Future Semesters

I’m not going to lie, this is something that I did quite frequently even without a pandemic! There’s just something about making a schedule that’s so satisfying. If you’re looking forward to future semesters, start looking into what your schedule could look like! I did this at the start of my freshman year to kill time. I was able to use each schedule I made, even if I had to tweak it a little bit, and it made my registration periods much less stressful!

Apply For Jobs/Internships

The job market is looking kind of slim right now, but that doesn’t mean you still can’t put yourself out there. I’ve been applying for quite a few jobs since I’ll be graduating in May and I’ve been taking up any of my extra time by continuing to apply. I can’t let any obstacles stop me, so I’m still continuing on as if there’s nothing in my way!

Take Online Courses

If you’re working from home or have some downtime from classes, consider taking some online classes. Taking online courses can only help you! Online classes from somewhere like Google or Duolingo can help you learn something new that you can always add to your resume. It can also make you extra valuable in the workforce!

Clean Out Your Email

This is something I’ve always done, but I know not everyone has the same healthy habits that I do. Quarantine can be a great time to clean, which can also translate to your email! When my email gets messy, it gets MESSY. I generally try to take at least one to two days every couple of weeks to delete emails I no longer need. I also organize the ones I still need into folders. It will help you so much in the long run! You’ll be so much more organized and your future self will thank you!

Catch Up On Sleep

I was going to say that your future self will thank you, but I’m sure that you already know that! I’m the kind of person that heavily relies on sleep. I have to have at least 7 hours of sleep a night! This pandemic has been a great time for me to catch up on sleep! But I’m still focusing on things that are important to me. So make sure you’re doing the same for yourself!

Do Things You Normally Don’t Have Time For

Quarantine is such a great time to focus on things you may not normally have time for. When I’m no longer having to focus on school work, I’m really wanting to write a book! It’s a goal I’ve had since I was a teeny tiny kid that I’m determined to accomplish. I’m also really wanting to learn how to play the ukulele! Since I’ll have more time on my hands after my graduation in May, this is something I’ll be able to do.

What is something else that you’re doing while you’re in quarantine? Let us know in a comment below!

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