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  • Writer's pictureMakayla Mais

Evaluating Pieces of Digital literacy

Updated: Mar 18, 2023

Recently, I had to look into digital literacy for my media convergence class. We were given a photo, and two videos to look over, and had to decide what story was being told through them, and what I noticed out of all three.

From the photo, I noticed that multiple times, the subjects were looking straight at the camera. The man that walks in with the gun, who is trying to take the child, looks directly at the camera in two of the frames, and the father and child both look at the camera in one of the frames. It was also obvious that the camera had been planted, knowing the circumstances that were about to unfold. The purpose was to expose the very dramatic scene to show an audience how the situation was handled and why.

Watching the first video, a PSA commercial from the 1970s titled “Keep America Beautiful,” I noticed that a lot of the pollutants being shown in the video looked fairly new. If pollution was a serious problem in this era, especially since there had to be a PSA commercial made, pollutants wouldn’t need to be staged or faked. The river also seemed oddly placed, seeming as it lead right into the heart of a city with the beginning of the video showing many, many nature aspects. It just felt like the commercial was being shot in two completely different places, instead of just one.

The last video I had to watch was titled “Repressed Citizen” and was a scene in the film, “Monty Python and the Holy Grail.” The first thing I noticed was that the king was galloping as a horse would, and the person behind him was using two objects to create a sound similar to horseshoes. I also noticed how the king had to justify to the people he encountered that he was the king, and not someone that was pretending to be a king. The king also had to ask all of the commoners who lived in the castle that he was heading towards. The commoners also were not eager to listen to the king either, and after being ordered to be quiet, they still continued to speak.

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