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  • Writer's pictureMakayla Mais

Easy, Healthy Lunches to Pack as a Busy College Student

Packing lunches for a busy college schedule can sometimes be really tricky. I know a lot of people that carry around meal replacement shakes or grab Chick-Fil-A almost daily! Meal replacement shakes can at least be decently healthy for you, but they have never kept me full. I’m in my last year as a college student and I’ve finally figured out some meals that I can take to campus. I try to keep it where I don’t have to warm my meal up when I get to campus. Worst case scenario: you warm it up before you leave and put it in a thermos. Here are my favorite easy, HEALTHY lunch options that are campus approved!


Any kind of sandwich can be extremely easy to pack! With how many items you can use to customize your sandwich, you’re sure to find an option that can be as healthy as you want it to be. For me personally, I’m a big fan of getting condiments and veggies to go on my sandwich that don’t have a lot of sodium in them. Deli meats can be extremely high in sodium, so it’s important to keep it balanced. Generally, you can make sandwiches pretty healthy and they’re very easy to put together!

Side options: Carrots and hummus, your choice of vegetable, your choice of fruit, yogurt, granola bar, small salad, or your choice of chip (healthier options can include Pirate’s Booty, Pringles, Sun Chips or Simply Pop)

Deli wraps

This can be pretty similar to making a sandwich, but just switches it up a bit. My favorite tortilla wrap brand is Mission! Their wraps can be extremely flavorful without being sinful in terms of the ingredients. They come in flavors like original, multi-grain, garden spinach, sun dried tomato basil, cheddar jalapeño, and rosemary and olive oil. With the amount of options they offer, it’s easy to switch up based on your fillings! My personal favorite fillings are deli chicken, shredded cheese, spinach, lettuce, avocado and ranch dressing. Wrapping this all up in the garden spinach wrap makes it fantastic. If I feel like switching it up, I’ll use the cheddar jalapeño wrap instead and dip into salsa. It provides so much flavor without taking up all your calories for the day!

Side options: Carrots and hummus, your choice of vegetable, your choice of fruit, yogurt, granola bar, small salad, or your choice of chip (healthier options can include Pirate’s Booty, Pringles, Sun Chips or Simply Pop)


You might be thinking, “How on earth is pasta healthy?” Well, it definitely can be! There are more pasta alternatives than there used to be with different diets coming out of the woodwork. They’re making pasta out of chickpeas, lentils, and so much more now! The calories go way down and you can actually get more nutritional value out of these alternatives. Add in your favorite protein (whether that’s chicken or a lean beef) and add in a small amount of your favorite sauce. Making your own sauce can ensure you’re getting the calorie content you want as well!

Side options: Your choice of vegetable or small salad

Southwest salad

There are so, so many ways to eat a salad and I’m thankful for that. I’m not one that gets real creative with salads, so I get the premade ones at Walmart! The southwest style salad is my favorite, and I’ve been able to find something similar at different restaurants. It’s become my favorite salad across the board and it’s really easy to recreate. It’s easy to meal prep as well!

I start by dicing up chicken to where it’s in very small chunks and cook it until it’s cooked all the way through. I use the same pan to roast some corn pieces to later add to my salad. The amount is up to your preferences–I use quite a lot because I really love corn! I mixed together equal parts of ranch dressing and my favorite smooth salsa to create the dressing. I top it with shredded cheese, black beans, and tri-color tortilla strips a (crushed tortilla chips or even crushed Doritos work too) and it’s good to go!

Side options: Chips and salsa or chips and guacamole — I’m not sure you’ll need a side if you make it big enough. It’s too tasty to need a side!

Italian chicken

This is one of the coziest options on the entire list! It’s another Crock Pot recipe (who’s surprised?). In the Crock Pot, I combine a package of chicken breast, Italian seasoning, and I add in a small bag of golden potatoes that I’ve quartered. Carrots go well with this in the Crock Pot, but I’ve heard of people using fresh green beans as well!

Before you shut the lid on this for a couple of hours, pour in an entire small bottle of zesty Italian dressing. It adds so much flavor but it doesn’t have to be high in calories. Plus I love the fact that you can set this on high for 4 hours and walk away. It’s great for a college student on a tight schedule! This is great straight out of the Crock Pot or warmed up the next day. It’s sure to be one of your favorites!

Side options: Fresh green beans or rice pilaf


I honestly make tacos at least once a week. They’re so easy to put together, and since Mexican food is my favorite, they’re really hard to resist. It’s so easy to choose your favorite lean protein, combine it with your favorite taco seasoning and go. Taco seasoning is also surprisingly easy to put together if you’re wanting to make a healthier alternative to store-bought packets. Add in your favorite toppings like lettuce, cheese and sour cream and you’re good to go! If you’re sticking to a particular diet, tacos are very easy to manipulate to get what you want out of it, but they’ll be sure to keep you full!

Side options: Rice, black beans, chips and salsa, guacamole, or queso

Burrito bowls

This kinda goes along with the taco idea, but I feel like this is a little easier to bring to campus if you needed to! Like I said, Mexican food is my favorite so I’m always trying to find easy ways to incorporate it into my lunches while I’m on campus. Burrito bowls have been extremely easy, and they’re easy to modify to make them healthy. My favorite things to combine are Mexican rice, taco meat (usually beef), a couple handfuls of shredded lettuce, shredded cheese, sour cream, and my favorite salsa. They’re really easy to customize to your preferences. Because they’re so filling, you could even eat half for lunch and half for dinner!

Side options: Tortillas (in case you decide you want to wrap it up), chips and salsa, guacamole, or queso

Teriyaki bowls

This has become one of my new favorite meals. I found a healthier restaurant that’s about 10 minutes from my campus that makes these and they’re phenomenal. Much to my surprise, they’re pretty easy to make, and can be as healthy as you want them to be! When I’ve made them, I’ve grilled my chicken on a George Forman grill. It sounds funny to do it that way instead of just baking it or pan frying it in a skillet. With a George Forman, the grease will drain off and create an easy way to dispose of the grease (plus it leaves those grill marks that are to die for)!

Steam some broccoli, or lightly bake it, and combine it with your chicken over a bowl of brown rice. The teriyaki can be intimidating but there are plenty of healthier alternatives. Traditional teriyaki sauce can be made with corn starch, garlic, soy sauce, brown sugar or honey, and water. Healthier teriyaki sauces can be made with corn starch, garlic, coconut aminos, maple syrup and water! There’s plenty of ways to get around those calories. Pour your sauce over the top of your bowl and you’re all set! If you have leftovers, this is excellent warmed up as well!

Side options: An extra helping of broccoli, your choice of steamed vegetables, or egg rolls (if you’re feeling like cheating a bit)

Lemon chicken and rice soup

I just recently made this, and let me tell you, it’s just as good warmed up as it was the night I made it. And it was a Crock Pot meal! This soup may have just won my heart over! It’s so light but so filling that you can barely eat a second bowl. I swear it will become your new favorite. To start off with, chop up some carrots, celery and a white onion. I used about half a bag of baby carrots (chopped into circles), 4 of the kid packs of celery, and half of a white onion. This gives you plenty of fresh veggies! Combine them with olive oil in a skillet and soften them (this takes around 10 minutes), then add in 2 cloves of freshly chopped garlic and salt and pepper to taste.

Add it to the bottom of your Crock Pot and layer on a package of chicken breast (about 3-4 chicken breasts), 8 cups of chicken stock, 2 tablespoon of thyme, 2 cups of rice, and 2 bay leaves. Leave this on low for about 6-8 hours or on high for 2-3 hours (or basically until your chicken is cooked all the way through). Before you’re ready to serve, shred or chop your chicken and add in 2-3 tablespoons of lemon juice! This soup is so, so, so yummy and I promise it’s sure to become one of your favorites!

Side options: Crackers, a side salad, or a dinner roll


This kind of goes along with the sandwich and the wrap, but you really get the best of both worlds! Pick out your favorite tortilla. This could be normal tortillas or the Mission wraps I mentioned earlier! Lay this flat and add in your favorite condiment into the center like you’re making a pizza. Add on your favorite lunch meat(s), cheeses, lettuce, bacon… you name it! Next you’re going to roll it super tight. Instead of cutting it in half to enjoy it like a wrap, you’re going to cut them into 1-2 inch “wheels.” It makes eating something like a sandwich or wrap a little more fun, but still have a similar flavor. Plus these can be really easy to grab and go if you’re needing a snack or if you’re eating a late meal. It’s not too heavy, but still will allow you to feel full!

Side options: Carrots and hummus, your choice of vegetable, your choice of fruit, yogurt, granola bar, small salad, or your choice of chip (healthier options can include Pirate’s Booty, Pringles, Sun Chips or Simply Pop)

Grilled chicken

This can be so simple… because it is. Grilled chicken doesn’t always have to be fancy! Again, I like grilling chicken on the George Forman. All that grease coming off is so satisfying and makes me feel a little better about what I’m about to put in my body. I normally combine quite a few spices in order to give my chicken a great flavor! Usually this consists of some kind of mixture of paprika, garlic powder, onion powder and seasoned salt with the occasional dash of lemon juice. It’s so tasty and can be pretty healthy if you don’t go crazy with the spices! This is great by itself, or but if you’re not feeling it the night of, you can store it in the refrigerator overnight. It makes a great edition to a salad for lunch the next day!

Side options: Carrots and hummus, your choice of vegetable (steamed or fresh), seasoned rice, mashed potatoes or cauliflower, or a small salad

Lettuce wraps

Like I said, I usually make tacos at least once a week. They’re so easy to put together that it makes it so convenient and easy. Although they’re easy to put together, they can get pretty carby. By opting for lettuce wraps, you can save yourself the carbs (and be a little keto friendly)! Combine your favorite protein (super easy to go lean here) with your favorite taco seasoning. Use the leaf of lettuce to act like a tortilla! Add in the meat and your favorite toppings and you’re all set! They’re so easy to make and manipulate for particular diets! On top of that, they’re nice and fresh and allows you to get your extra veggies in also!

Side options: Rice, black beans, chips and salsa, guacamole, or queso

Buddha bowls

This is honestly something really new to me. I have had a nut allergy since I was almost 2, so I basically am forced to eat meat because there aren’t many other ways for me to get protein. Sometimes I get sick of chicken and beef, so this has been a great alternative for me! Buddha bowls are popular in vegetarian and vegan diets because there is no meat involved in this dish. You can combine just about anything you want to when it comes to veggies!

When I make these, I generally will use sweet potatoes, broccoli florets, carrots, chick peas, and black beans. I mix in olive oil, ground cinnamon, paprika, garlic salt, and black pepper, which I don’t measure. I just eyeball it! Bake them at 425 degrees until the potatoes are soft (about 25 minutes) and you’re all set. Most Buddha bowls use avocado cream sauces, but I used a dip my friend had made me that was supposed to mimic the Chuy’s jalapeño ranch dip (she found the recipe on Pinterest).

Side options: Brown rice, white rice, zucchini noodles, rice noodles, or quinoa

Fiesta chicken

There are so many recipes out there for something like this. Recipes I follow include around 4 chicken breasts, a drained can of corn, a drained can of black beans, a drained can of Rotel, a fiesta ranch seasoning packet and a block of cream cheese. Throw this in the Crock Pot for around 4 hours, shred the chicken after it’s cooked, and you’ve got yourself something really easy for lunch! This can last me for around a week because you don’t need much to feel full!

Side options: Seasoned rice, tortilla chips, or make it into lettuce wraps!

Taco salad in a jar

This is so painfully easy. In high school, this was so easy for me to do because we had a ton of mason jars lying around the house.  At the bottom of the jar, throw in some lettuce (or your favorite salad mix) and add in layers of COOLED taco meat, cheese, black beans, and corn. Sometimes I’ll add in chunky salsa and diced avocados! Add in whatever you like on your tacos. For dressing, combine one part ranch dressing and one part smooth salsa, but don’t put it into the jar with your salad toppings–it will make everything soggy. Put into a little bowl to take with you, and add crushed tortilla chips into another bowl for croutons! It’s so easy and so tasty and you’ll regret not doing this sooner

Side options: Guacamole & chips, rice, or vegetables of your choice

Bistro box

If  you have a huge project to focus on and don’t really have time to eat a bigger meal, this can be a great option to keep you full! Starbucks makes their own bistro boxes but it can get pretty expensive. Standing in the long line can take up a bunch of your time too. Roll up your favorite deli meat (or prosciutto) and line one side of a small storage bowl. Add in cheese cubes (or roll up deli cheese) where it takes up a quarter of the bowl. Use the other quarter to add in pretzels, crackers, or nuts. This can be high in protein if you pick the right things and can keep you going without eating a huge, calorie-loaded meal!

Side options: Your choice of vegetable, your choice of fruit, boiled eggs, or cottage cheese

Pulled pork

This one I kind of rely on my dad for, but pulled pork can easily be pulled off in a Crock Pot! Once it’s done, you’ll be able to shred the meat and add your favorite barbecue sauce. Eat the pulled pork by itself or add it to a hamburger bun of your choice. It’s so easy to find hamburger buns that will line up with different diets anymore, so it will be easy to find one that’s fairly healthy. Pulled pork can be such an easy meal to put together, especially if you follow a Crock Pot recipe. Very little fuss, high in protein and sure to keep you full, and it’s something a little different than a sandwich or salad.

Side options: Carrots and hummus, your choice of vegetable, your choice of fruit, cole slaw (if you’re into that), potato or macaroni salad, small salad, or your choice of chips (healthier options can include Pirate’s Booty, Pringles, Sun Chips or Simply Pop)

White chicken chili

This is one of my absolute favorite meals that I make. I don’t really follow a recipe for it, but it’s fantastic! I’ve never been one that liked regular chili all that much, and this is a great alternative. It doesn’t have too many things in it, so it makes it relatively healthy as well! I use a package of chicken, which I dice up and cook fully before combining it with everything else. In a Crock Pot, I put together a drained can of great northern beans, a drained can of pinto beans, a can of white shoepeg corn (regular corn can work too) and a McCormick White Chicken Chili packet. I add in around two cups of water and the cooked chicken, stir, and heat it on high until hot. This usually take around 3 hours for this recipe!

Side options: Crackers or a small salad

Tortilla soup

This is a favorite of one of my friends. I’ve had her tortilla soup and it’s amazing. If you’re one that likes creamy soups with a tiny kick, tortilla soup may be a great option to start with! It’s really great for the winter months but keeps you full and focused! Most tortilla soups I have had have included chicken, black beans, corn and Rotel, but any recipe you find is different. This will at least be a little different than the typical broccoli cheddar or chicken noodle soup and will allow you to switch things up based on your preferences!

Side options: Tortilla chips or a quesadilla

Is there anything else that you pack for lunches that is healthy? Let me know in a comment below!

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