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  • Writer's pictureMakayla Mais

How To Have More Successful Study Sessions

One of the biggest things I have struggled with since going away to school is trying to find a good study routine that will work no matter the subject and no matter how hard the material is. Now that I’m in my (hopefully) last year of college, I feel that I am ready to share my tips and tricks at *effectively* studying.

Eliminate distractions

This I seriously cannot stress enough. If you’re anything like me, your phone is your biggest weakness; you immediately want to know what caused your phone to vibrate. While sometimes it’s okay to stress about what might have popped up (family emergencies, etc.), nine times out of ten it can wait. Putting your phone up, or even in another room, can ensure you stay focused! One of my friends will even log out of her social media so she isn’t tempted any other time. Once she passes that big exam, she’ll get back on social media for a bit! It’s a hard habit to break, but it can actually make you considerably happier and will keep you more focused!

Recruit a friend

This may not work for everyone, but sometimes it helps me! If I’m really stuck on quite a few terms or concepts, I’ll ask a friend to come in to help me study. Sometimes they are able to think of things that will help me remember that I would have never thought of. For example, during the fall 2018 semester, I couldn’t remember what a court case established. One of my friends made a joke, and as it turned out, it actually helped me remember the court case! Little things like that can help jog your memory so much faster, and you’ll definitely owe your friend a big fat thank you!

Use something to motivate you

For me, and just about every other college student out there, my motivation is caffeine. With two Starbucks locations on campus, I’m constantly wired and am capable of studying for hours on end. Find that one thing that will keep you motivated, whether that’s keeping a 4.0 GPA or something as simple as a coffee. I promise it will pay off!

Bring snacks

Taking long lunch or dinner breaks while studying can be quite difficult, especially if you have quite a bit of studying to go. Skipping meals is one of the worst habits you can start while away at school, and it’s definitely not something you should take pride in. Taking something as simple as popcorn or a couple of granola bars to the library will help keep you satisfied while you continue to nail down ideas. The longer you can spend studying the better, especially if you’re really starting to find your groove!

Take breaks

While I just mentioned that taking long lunch or dinner breaks isn’t always ideal, you should always give yourself a little time to rest. If you’ve studied for a couple of hours, rest for around 20-30 minutes. It will prevent you from getting drained or going crazy, but won’t allow you enough time to forget a lot of information or little tricks you’ve come up with. Taking breaks is extremely important, just make sure that your breaks don’t end up being hours on end.

Set up a system

As mentioned before, if you study for a few hours then take a small break, your body will thank you. Getting yourself into a routine can help make your study sessions more effective and it will be easy to discipline yourself. You’ll actually be able to develop a bit of sleep schedule and still feel extremely prepared for your next exam!

Get some sleep

Getting some sleep is far more important than you think. When studying, most people like to think that the longer they spend studying the better, even if that means getting zero sleep. I’m going to bust that myth for you right now… it is 100% WRONG. I’ve always been someone that has required the most sleep possible. While I’m able to go off a little less sleep now (thank you caffeine), it is extremely important to make sure you are treating your body right! Cramming and pulling an all-nighter isn’t going to make your test score any higher, and then you pose an even bigger risk of sleeping through your class. You may not believe me, but I’ve seen people do it time and time again. You’ll thank yourself so much later for treating your body correctly and getting a decent amount of sleep every night.

Do you have any other parts to your study routine or do anything similar to me? Leave a comment and let me know!

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