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  • Writer's pictureMakayla Mais

How to Make Sure You Don't Procrastinate

A lot of students come into college with the mindset that they will stay on top of all of their assignments, study days, and if applicable, their work schedule. When it comes time to go through that schedule, you might find yourself pushing things back in order to get something else done first. This can eventually pile up and cause you to get very stressed and overwhelmed. I’ve been there, done that, and have lots of tips to help you avoid procrastination!

Keep a planner

This is what helps me the most. A planner is helpful for many situations but helps make procrastination nearly impossible. Using different colored pens can help make sure you are super organized! Designating a color for a class (such as green for a science class) can help make sure you stay on top of assignments but can also help you keep track of assignments in a certain class. Many academic planners also have sections for you to write in your projects and assignments and have areas for you to be able to plan those out!

Finish assignments in advance

If you’re done with an assignment at the beginning of the week, look ahead and decide if there are other assignments you are going to be able to complete. The more you can work ahead, the less stressed you’ll be heading towards midterms or final exams. This can also give you more time to take a breather or focus on yourself for a little while! It will prevent you from getting burnt out so quickly and will keep you motivated to finish your semester strong!

Budget your time

Budgeting time can be one of the hardest things to do while away at college. There is no one there to hold you accountable but yourself! Making a schedule and sticking to it will keep you caught up and will make sure that you still have time to designate to yourself. This is one thing that can help you with any aspect of your academic and professional career, not just to help you prevent procrastination.

Do your homework the day you get it

This is one of the easiest tips to create into a habit. If you have a break between classes and you just received homework, sit down and do that homework! It will open up the rest of your evening and keep you on top of your busy schedule. Your grades and GPA will thank you!

Let your goals hold you accountable

Your goals can be the biggest thing that can keep you motivated! If you’re in a class because you want to be a business owner, let that goal push you! You won’t become a business owner by laying in bed and binging the latest Netflix show. Keep that vision of your business and your future in mind and it will help make sure that you stay on top of your course load. Don’t shy away from the challenge of reaching your goals just because you didn’t want to do your homework or complete that group project!

Keep your priorities straight 

I feel this is the biggest problem people face when heading off to college. As I said earlier, no one is going to hold you accountable but yourself! If you have a big paper to write, but all your roommates are going out, consider what is going to put you ahead at the end of the day. Working on that paper is going to make sure you end up with a passing grade and can end up graduating. Once you have that big project done, it’s okay to treat yourself, but make sure that you aren’t letting fun get in the way of accomplishing your goals and making yourself proud! Getting that degree is what you went off to college for–don’t lose sight of that!

What are your tips for staying procrastination free? Let me know in a comment below!

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