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  • Writer's pictureMakayla Mais

The Best Reasons to Become a Morning Person

I don’t know about you, but I love feeling as if my day was extremely productive. A majority of my academic life has been spent stressing. Since coming to school, I’ve had to make some sacrifices in order to keep myself afloat. If I’m being honest, I don’t think I’ll ever be a morning person. I require the maximum amount of caffeine possible to make it through a day without that mid-day slump. Starbucks trips seem to happen daily just to get me through the rest of the day. Although it’s been really hard, I’m trying to become a morning person. I’m still working on it, and I’m hoping someday I’ll get there. Here you’ll see my reasons, and maybe I’ll help persuade you to do the same!

You’ll be more productive

Even though I’ve always been a night owl, I find that when I actually get up earlier and try to get started with my day that I am much more productive in the morning. I get so much more accomplished when I’m not in the company of a bunch of other people. It’s been proven that getting your day started early can allow you to be more productive since you are able to squeeze in more work and can still get a decent amount of sleep.

You’ll get acclimated to a work schedule

The chances of working a 9 to 5 job after you graduate is pretty high. A lot of the entry-level jobs you’ll see out there are going to have a schedule similar to a 9 to 5 schedule. Becoming an early bird can actually help already get you acclimated to this type of schedule. When I have early classes, I treat it as if I’m actually going to a job. I will work on homework or future assignments until it’s time to make dinner. I feel it’s actually helped make me more responsible while it helps prepare me for my future!

You’ll sleep better

Establishing a sleep schedule can actually help you feel more rested. For someone like me that is used to staying up later at night, getting up early allows me to be more productive throughout the day. It’s easier for me to go to sleep quickly when it’s time to go to bed! If you’re waking up earlier, being more productive throughout the day, you’ll be able to go to bed tired and wake up the next morning ready to start the next day.

You’ll be more inclined to eat breakfast

This can be a great starting point for self bribery. I’m not much of a breakfast person, but this can help me sometimes. If you’re that person that really looks forward to relaxing while eating breakfast, it’s a good reason to get yourself out of bed in the morning. When I get up early, I try to take breakfast out to my balcony. It’s a peaceful way to start my morning before I get into my work. Even if you’re cozying up in bed with a cup of coffee while finishing your homework, it’s a great start!

You’ll have more “me” time

That early alarm can be really annoying and discouraging. Getting your activities for the day finished will give you a lot of time to yourself! This gives both you and your brain a break and allows you to look forward to your next project. Taking time to yourself is extremely important! You can’t set aside that time if you have absolutely no free time between projects and activities. Your mental health will be significantly better and you’ll keep your productivity at an all-time high!

Tried any of these ideas or would add something else? Let me know in a comment below!

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