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  • Writer's pictureMakayla Mais

The Best Way to Prep for Your Midterms and Ace Them

It’s that time of the semester again guys! When it comes to testing periods such as midterms and finals, you’re bound to feel stressed or feel like your motivation is at an all-time low. These feelings make it really easy to trick yourself into thinking that midterms don’t matter, and in most cases, they do. Here’s my best tips for picking your head up out of the sand and preparing for your midterms (and preparing to ace them)!

Take a day for each class

Always study in the order of how your midterms appear a week ahead of your midterms. Taking a day for each class can ensure that you get time for each of your classes and allows any extra time you come across to be put towards refreshers. This is a great way to make sure you’re understanding the information

Create a study set as you go through the semester

Creating a set of flashcards or creating a Quizlet study set can get overwhelming. Once you take notes for a lecture, go ahead and start creating flashcards or start your Quizlet study set! You’ll be able to study as the semester goes on, and you’ll be much more prepared when it comes down to studying for the midterm. To figure out the best way to make flashcards, be sure to look for the post I made a few weeks ago called The Best Way to Make and Study Flashcards!

Don’t create a new study routine

This should be very, very simple. When you find a study routine that works for you, don’t try to find something new! This could make you study less effectively and in turn could make you do worse on your midterm. Your midterm is great practice for what your final exam could be like, so treat it as such as study as hard as possible! Your normal study routine will guide you through midterm week with ease and will ensure your grades reflect your hard work!

Study with a group

This might be one of the best things you can do. If you’re struggling with a concept, chances are someone else gets it. It might even be the other way around for them! Studying as a group allows you to bounce ideas off of each other or can just help solidify what you’ve been learning. Maybe something doesn’t make sense and they can explain it in a different way that helps you remember the term or the concept. Don’t be afraid to ask around and see if someone wants to be in a study group with you! You might even make a new friend out of it!

Stick with a healthy eating/sleeping schedule

This can be something that helps you more than you think. If you begin skipping meals or pulling all-nighters, you’re not only risking doing worse on an exam. Your overall health is put in jeopardy, especially if it becomes a habit. Your energy will be lower than ever and you won’t be able to see straight. Trust me, I’ve been there. No test is worth diminishing your overall health. If you normally eat around certain times, take a break and take the time to rest and eat a full meal before studying again. Your body will thank you (and so will your GPA)!

Take breaks

As I mentioned in the last point, taking breaks is great for your mental health during testing periods. Without breaks, you’re likely to go nuts. When I’ve trying to cram for a test, I wouldn’t take breaks. I would feel completely drained and would end up overthinking absolutely everything. This majorly worked to my disadvantage. It made me do much worse than if I would’ve actually given my mind a break. Even if it’s just for 10 to 20 minutes, give your body the rest it deserves!

Have you done any of these or have more ways that help you ace your midterms? Leave a comment below!

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