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  • Writer's pictureMakayla Mais

Tips and Tricks for Color-Coding Your Notes and Planner

Staying organized in college is one of the biggest keys to being successful. Throughout my academic career, I have used a planner. Going from a busy high school schedule to an equally busy college schedule, I’ve had to find ways to keep my planner organized so I don’t end up like Jane in “27 Dresses.” Been there, done that–it’s not fun. I’ve resorted to color coding my planner, and even my notes when I take them, to make sure I stay extremely organized and can prevent any and all stress! Here’s my best tips and tricks that have helped keep me super on top of things (and you’ll probably start to notice a trend)!

Assign each class a color

This is the number one thing I do once I get a syllabus or new assignment. For every class at the start of the semester, I designate a color. For example, I am taking six classes this semester. My religion class is a pinkish purple, my communication class is aqua, my media ethics class is green, my broadcast journalism class is coral, my copy editing class is light purple, and my internship material is black. This helps me stay super on top of things, and without even having to read anything, it helps me keep track of what classes I will have something due in for the week.

Assign your work schedule a color

This pretty much goes along with my last point. Work schedules can be pretty hard to keep up with when you’re going to school, especially if you’re carrying multiple jobs or 40+ hours a week. Assigning your work schedule a color can ensure you’re never late and keeps you on top of things for the week. You can begin to plan ahead knowing that you have to be at work for a certain period of time. In this case, my work schedule always goes in as red. It’s extremely hard to miss and symbolizes that it is something that has to happen instead of something that can be pushed back.

Assign upcoming events a color

Assigning upcoming events a color is just as important as your class and work schedules. If these events are something you need for class, work, or just something you planned with your friends, you’ll need to make sure that you are there! In this case, I use a standard colored purple to make sure I don’t miss anything. Since I tend to get distracted, it helps me prioritize and keep a pretty close eye on myself.

Be consistent

This is pretty simple. If you start planning different classes, your work schedule and events, you’ll want to be using the same colors any time you put something in your calendar app or your planner. It will help make sure you are super on top of things and will prevent any confusion.

Assign a color for different units in your class

This is something that is strictly for taking notes. When you start the semester, start using a colored pen of your choice. After your first test, switch your pen color! This will help keep your notebook organized and can help you find information for your new study guide much faster. Plus, when it comes to studying the material, you’ll be able to remember the information based off of the color you used to write it! There’s lots of perks for switching up your pen colors in your notebook!

Tried any of these ideas or use them currently? Leave a comment below!

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